Friday, October 28, 2011

Protect The Innocent

Today, October 28, 2011, two women at The West Philadelphia Women's Medical Society, Andrea Moton, 34, (“admitted her involvement in the stabbing death of one late-term baby that she pulled from a toilet where it had been delivered.”) and Sherry West, 52, (“pleaded guilty in the February 2009 death of Karnamaya Mongar, a Bhutanese immigrant who was 19 weeks pregnant.”) are being held in court with several charges of third degree murder along with other staff.

In addition, Sherry West “was a longtime patient who sought work at the clinic after 22 years with the Veterans Administration. She lost her job there after contracting hepatitis C, the grand jury report said.” Prosecutors claim she was not licensed to perform any duties. And often she was reported not wearing gloves while procedures were being done.

The women’s clinic illegally performed abortions late term, by severing the spinal cords with scissors and also preformed several murders of infants that were newly born to their mothers. A picture of body parts kept in a freezer was taken when the investigation started.

Doctor Kermit Gosnell, is facing trial along with 9 other employees who worked at the clinic.

The question I’m wondering is: “Is this an isolated incident, or are there more illegal abortions and underground clinics than the few that have been investigated and reported? Whether the answer is yes or not, this has got to stop. My fear is that there are more, and this is becoming a common theme in the news today. That people are becoming desensitized and overlooking it, instead of fighting it, while hundreds, thousands and millions of children lose their lives. As WOV women, write your senators, congressmen and government officials. Take a stance for the innocent. And take a firm position against this unlawful custom of murder.

To read more Click Here

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